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I am a lifelong Florentine, having grown up in historical Florence, South Carolina. I love the simplicity of country living. It helps to keep me grounded and grateful to God.  I am married to a wonderful man of God who is also my very best friend. He warms my heart and makes me laugh constantly. My hearty laugh has become my trademark. I believe with all my heart that “ A merry heart, does good like a medicine.”  (Proverbs 17:22)

Using my skills and knowledge, I am an experienced Corporate trainer who teaches staff how to use customer service interaction to “WOW” clients. I help them to understand the impact those interactions have on the organizations’ bottom line.

It is also a blessing to be able to live my true passion of encouraging women to discover the depth of their inner strength and share how they can use that strength to move forward in spite of life’s most difficult challenges. It is through my own personal journey, that I have a heart for people who are grieving over great loss in their life.
Experience can be an excellent teacher if we let it. Life has taught me to believe that resilience, the ability to navigate life’s challenges and still retain your sanity,  is a skill that can be learned with God’s help. It is a requirement of a successful, happy life. I also believe in second chances. I'm grateful for mine because it lead me to this ministry and to my loving supportive husband who is also my best friend. We are both grateful for our four sons as well.  I will always hold a special place in my heart for my son Justin, who desired the best for his mom. He  passed away in March of `2012


Places Spoken: ACS Technologies, Shekinah Glory SDA Church-Women's Day, Berean SDA Church, Atlanta, Ga, Omni Hotel, Nashville, TN, Oakwood University- Senior Reception, Praise Tabernacle SDA Church, Celebration of Life Grief Club, Southern Union Family ministries department, Southeastern Conference Family Life Division

One of my favorite sayings is “Get up! You’ve got this because God’s Got you.”​



Name, Title


Hello, I'm Leon Solomon Verrett III.
I'm the other half of our awesome marriage and ministry team (title of ministry goes here). Our ministry is just an extension of our love and dedication to God. Through the many trials and triumphs, blunders and blessings, God has directed me to use them all to help others through some of the same pathways. On my journey, God has placed a wonderful woman in my life. She's my wife, companion, BFF and partner, Vanessa Hanna-Verrett. Together, we hope to make a positive change whenever our ministry is needed.

I was born in southern California, in a city called Port Hueneme.
I was always keenly aware of my surroundings, even as a little boy. I chose to try to emulate the character of my mother before age 5. I watched my father do and say things that didn't sit well with me.
As an adult, I made many bad choices and a few good ones.
These choices, with God's help, have made me the God fearing and loving man I am today.


Places Spoken:  Praise Tabernacle, Shekinah Glory SDA, Graduation speaker for High school and Elementary, Marriage club organizer, Radio Ministry-10 years

My Wife and I live in South Carolina and are deeply in love.
She is my best friend next to Jesus. We hope that our ministry can help speed the return of our best Friend and elder Brother!​

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